Atma Unum

Wit Wednesday 12

Wit Wednesday. Atma Unum

@1tm122n22m Atma Unum

Reimagining everyday norms, «Wit Wednesday: Atma Unum» sparks introspection with its bold, thought-provoking quotes, redefining the ordinary. #WitWednesday #AtmaUnum

Wit quotes play a pivotal role in providing a fresh lens through which we can view the most fundamental aspects of our daily existence. These succinct and clever expressions have the remarkable ability to reframe even the most commonplace facts, shedding light on new angles and interpretations that might have previously eluded us. By harnessing the power of wit, we can enrich our understanding of the world and appreciate the nuances of our experiences in a novel and thought-provoking manner.

Your brain knows where all of your organs are, but it won’t tell you.

As an identical triplet, you are simultaneously one of the rarest and most common people on the planet.

Almost everybody on planet earth is undefeated in professional boxing.

A bus 10 minutes early is way worse than a bus 10 minutes late.

Any bookmark that cost more than a dollar is a waste of money, because you could just use the dollar.

Wit Wednesday. Atma Unum
Wit Wednesday. Atma Unum

You could throw a rock into a lake and be the last person to ever touch that rock until the end of time.

If you can touch your door while you are pooping, you are probably not rich.

A lemon is not a naturally occurring fruit. It is developed by crossing a bitter orange and a citron. So life never gave us lemons. We gave lemons life.

Wallets are just pockets that we put in our pockets.

If you are 22 years old or older, every single living dog has been born during your lifespan, so every dog that was alive when you were born is now dead.

The brain technically named itself.

Gyms are just rooms full of heavy stuff that you pay money to lift over and over again.

One day Gen Z will be considered unfunny by future generations.

When you clean a vacuum cleaner you become a vacuum cleaner.

Brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton.

Every single odd number has the letter ‘e’ in it.

The longer you don’t pee, the longer you pee.

If you are an idiot and you know you are an idiot, you are already way less of an idiot, than an / idiot that doesn’t realise he is an idiot.

If you have two pillows, the botttom pillow is ussing the bottom pillow as a pillow.

Technically, your alarm tone is your theme song. Because it starts every episode.

Earth is a wet rock that’s been sitting out so long, stuff has started to grow on it.

A keychain is a ring invented so that you can loose all your keys at once.

A person standing in front of you is technically the person standing the furthest away behind you.

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