Atma Unum

A Call in Justice

1. Why do we make an Appeal for Justice?

Due to real estate and financial corruption in Mexico City, the mother of Ra’al Ki Victorieux (also known as Iris Atma, Mexico, Aggeler), is about to lose the apartment where the artist lives. Because this trial to deprive them of their heritage has been very long, and we artists do not have social security in Mexico, we have carried out various activities to a) Make this situation public to request support. b) Raise funds.

To know more about the situation, we invite you to read and sign the letter that Mrs. Martha Aggeler addressed to the authorities through We have gathered more than 88,000 signatures, help us reach 90,000, maybe that’s how the authorities who have so far turned a deaf ear to the situation will listen to us.

At the beginning of 2021, and recovering the spirit of social justice, we made some memes in relation to this demand, and we titled it Bernie Helps Martha Aggeler

On June 1, 2012, Ra’al Ki updates us on the situation and calls those who are going through something similar to file a class action lawsuit. More information in these articles. Click on the title:

How would you feel facing the eviction from your home?

Explaining Real Estate Dispossession

When the authorities witness a growing number of dispossession, violent evictions, and mortgage fraud, and they do NOT take any action to protect people and their property, they de facto commit the crime of dispossession by omission.

The Crime by Omission of Morena in Real Estate Frauds


Join this conceptual work of artistic activism for the right to housing. Leave your work in the comments of this Conceptual Manifesto for a Patrimony Law. We also invite you to send your proposal in video, or audio, or image, or text, to with a short paragraph with your curriculum, to participate in the selection that we will make to publish works on

Conceptual Manifesto for a Patrimony Law

2. How can you support us

  1. We thank you very much if you sign the letter we launched in And share the link to invite your friends to sign.
  2. You can also help us share the information with a conscientious politician or media that listens to us, we thank you in advance.
  3. If you are a lawyer, surely you know that the question of laws Sales in Mexico is in its infancy, and this legal vacuum facilitates real estate fraud. If you want to help us draft a bill to get to legislators, please contact us.
  4. If you want to volunteer to support us in the activities that we will carry out for fundraising and dissemination, please contact us.
  5. If you can or want to help us with actions that are not mentioned here, please contact us.