Atma Unum

Meditation on the Virtues

Meditation on the Virtues. Raal Ki Victorieux. Atma Unum

@raalkivictorieux Master Ra’al Ki Victorieux

Discover virtue and knowledge in a transformative reading. #Virtue #Wisdom

A virtue is a quality that allows its possessor to take and carry out correct opinions, even in the most difficult situations. It is a manifestation of character development. The virtuous is on the path of wisdom and seeks to achieve his goals while respecting others. Virtues are considered positive and are those qualities and values that education seeks to promote, to achieve a harmonious and fruitful life.

Plato suggests that human beings have wisdom, courage, and self-control as virtues of intellect, will, and emotion, which, in combination with justice, help us live responsibly and safely. Socrates tells us that virtue is what helps us achieve good, through reasoning and philosophy. The four classical virtues in the West are Temperance, Prudence, Fortitude, and Justice. The Christian Virtues are divided into theological: Faith, Hope, and Charity, and Cardinal: Prudence, Fortitude, Justice, and Temperance.

We will meditate on some virtues, for which we will study their meaning.

Meditation on the Virtues. Raal Ki Victorieux. Atma Unum
Meditation on the Virtues. Ra’al Ki Victorieux. Atma Unum


From the Latin virtus, the concept of virtue refers to a positive quality that allows certain effects to be produced. There are different uses of the term linked to strength, courage, the power to act, the effectiveness of a thing, or integrity of mind. For Aristotle, virtue is an «excellence added to something like perfection.»


Loyalty is an obligation of fidelity that a subject or citizen owes to his state, ruler, community, or himself. In a few words, it is being faithful. Loyalty is a value that consists of never turning your back on a certain person or social group and who are united by ties of friendship or some social relationship, that is, the fulfillment of honor and gratitude, loyalty is more attached to group relationships. Loyalty is an attribute of the human being, which has generated a degree of consciousness and communicates with the soul.

It is a virtue that belongs to a high sphere of the human being, where moral and ethical values are created. Loyalty has to do with the degree of respect that each human being has towards himself, as a consequence of his fellow human beings. Loyalty, like its “relative” fidelity, has to do with what is internal, not with what is imposed by the rules. It is a purely moral behavior, which reveals the human being guided and governed by his Soul, who does not need any pressure from outside because he acts following his ethics and dignity.

Fidelity is a notion that at its most abstract level implies a true connection with a source or sources. Its original meaning is linked to loyalty (of a person to a lord or king) and attention to duty. The word “fidelity” derives from the word fidelitas (Latin), and its meaning is to serve a god.


Miguel de Cervantes says in the famous Dialogue of the Dogs that “humility is the base and foundation of all virtues, and that without it there is none that is.”
Humility is a moral virtue contrary to pride, which human beings possess in recognizing their abilities, qualities, and capacities, and taking advantage of them to act for the good of others. Humility is the wisdom of who we are.


Dignity, or «worthy quality», derives from the Latin adjective dignified and is translated as «valuable». It refers to the inherent value of the human being as a rational being, endowed with freedom and creative power, since people can model and improve their lives by making decisions and exercising their freedom.


Respect or recognition is the consideration that someone or even something has a value in itself and is established as reciprocity: mutual respect, mutual recognition. The term refers to moral and ethical issues, it is used in political philosophy and other social sciences such as anthropology, sociology, and psychology.

I talk to everyone the same way, whether it’s the garbage collector or the college president.

Albert Einstein

Self control

It is the first gesture of conscience. People engaged in the development of the spirit begin with a sense of personal integrity, which will eventually increase their self-affirmation and assertiveness. This is positive, and hence the need to guide towards virtuous aspirations. Choose teachers wisely, those who promote self-affirmation. The era of accepting information indiscriminately, despite limitations on freedom, to blindly obey the leaders in power must end. It is only through a recognition of the individual being and the development of its assertiveness, which allows people to express their ideas, that we will achieve true evolution.


People who cultivate their wisdom achieve the development of their lower Buddhahood or lower cosmic consciousness, which gives them access to the spiritual world. It provides high intuition, poetic and synthesis capacity, and superior and immediate knowledge of things.

1 Solomon the son of David was established in his kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him, and magnified him exceedingly.
2 And Solomon summoned all Israel, leaders of thousands and hundreds, judges, and all the princes of all Israel, heads of families.
3 And Solomon went, and all this assembly with him, to the high place that was in Gibeon; for there was the tabernacle of the congregation of God, which Moses the servant of the Lord had made in the wilderness.
4 But David had brought the ark of God from Kiriath-jearim to the place which he had prepared for it; for he had pitched a tent for him in Jerusalem.
5 Likewise the brazen altar that Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, had made was there before the tabernacle of the Lord, where Solomon went to consult with that assembly.
6 So Solomon went up there before the Lord to the bronze altar that was in the tabernacle of the congregation and offered on it a thousand burnt offerings.
7 And that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, Ask me for whatever you want and I will give you.
8 And Solomon said to God, You have shown great mercy to David my father, and you have made me king in his place.
9 Now therefore, O Jehovah God, let your word given to David my father be confirmed; for you have made me king over people as numerous as the dust of the earth.
10 Now give me wisdom and knowledge, to appear before this people; Because who can govern this great people of yours?
11 And God said to Solomon, Because this was in your heart, and you did not ask for riches, goods, or glory, nor for the life of those who wish you evil, nor did you ask for many days, but you have asked for wisdom and knowledge for yourself to govern. to my people, over whom I have made you king,
12 wisdom and knowledge are given to you; And I will also give you riches, goods, and glory, such as the kings who were before you never had, nor will those who come after you have.
13 And from the high place that was in Gibeon, before the tabernacle of the congregation, Solomon returned to Jerusalem and reigned over Israel.

Second Book of Chronicles


The first meaning of the word justice is that which identifies it with the supreme good, considering it as the highest of the virtues, seeing in it the perfect ethical realization. Everyone agrees that justice is the social virtue par excellence. Currently, when we talk about justice, we refer to the virtue that consists of giving each person what belongs to them, considered one of the four cardinal virtues.


It is the virtue consisting of the moderate enjoyment of pleasures or sensible goods. It is related to sobriety or moderation of character, to not being easy prey to worldly temptations. Christianity considers temperance as one of the four cardinal virtues. It is a moral virtue that consists of the moderation of appetites and the attraction exerted by pleasures.

For example, meekness is the virtue that moderates anger and its disordered effects. It is a form of temperance that avoids any disorderly movement of resentment for the behavior of another.


Behavior oriented towards happiness, the virtue of acting fairly, appropriately, and with moderation. Defined by the scholastics as the straight ratio agibilium, to differentiate it from art, recta ratio factibilium. Originating from the Latin prudentia, prudence is a term used as a synonym for good sense, moderation, temperance, caution, or moderation. It is the virtue that leads someone to behave fairly and appropriately. To be prudent, to put it another way, is to be cautious.


The virtue of fortitude is not about physical strength, but about the energy of spirit, about the solidity in a person’s character, which allows him to overcome attacks and difficulties, being faithful to his moral and ethical convictions. In Christian doctrine, fortitude is the third cardinal virtue that seeks to overcome fear and avoid recklessness. The word fortress derives from the Latin word fortis, «strong.»

For Christians, fortitude ensures firmness in difficulties and perseverance in the pursuit of good, even reaching the ability to accept the eventual sacrifice of one’s life for a just cause. Fortitude gives firmness to the decisions made to resist temptations and overcome the obstacles, tests, and persecutions that arise in the moral life of each person.

Fortitude is described as the virtue that gives courage to the soul to be able to face risks with courage and vigor, moderating the impetus of audacity. It is the strength to combat one’s miseries and weaknesses, the courage not to disguise one’s infidelities.
as, and the audacity to reaffirm convictions and remain integral, even in contrary environments.


Faith is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and everything He has said and revealed to us. By faith «man surrenders himself entirely and freely to God.» That is why the believer strives to know and do the will of God.


Humor and wisdom are the great hopes of our culture.

Konrad Lorenz

Hope is the state of mind in which one believes that what one desires or intends is possible. Other definitions of hope include “hoping confidently” and “having a wish in advance.”

Surprisingly, I have not yet abandoned all my hopes, since they seem absurd and unrealizable. However, I cling to them despite everything, because I continue to believe in the innate goodness of man.

Anna Frank

Hope appears in Greek mythology in the story of Pandora’s Box. Prometheus stole fire from Zeus to give it to men, which angered the supreme god. In revenge, Zeus created a pythos (type of vase) that contained all evils and gave it along with Pandora to Prometheus’ brother. This, created by the gods with an innate curiosity, opened the forbidden box, and all evils were released into the world; only Elpis remained in the background: The spirit of Hope.

For Christian theology, hope is the virtue that enables man to have confidence in achieving eternal life with the help of God. His goodness is trusted in such a way that it is expected that his grace will be superabundant and sufficient.


Charity is a term that serves to define a virtue, which consists of loving one’s neighbor as oneself. It is a selfless love that arises from the mere desire to give of oneself to others without expecting anything in return.

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