Atma Unum


Alignment. Atma Unum


The average human being, (from the point of view of expressive force), is a mass of conflicting energies and an active center that moves such forces continuously, forming a confusing kaleidoscope of active interrelations, interpenetrations, and wars of mutual annihilation. and interdependence until such time as the forces of personality are subdued or aligned by the dominant soul. That’s what we really mean by using the word alignment.

Spiritual alignment involves a connection, through the soul, with the true source of divine energy. An aligned person possesses effortless tranquility, inner peace, and connection to the higher power. It is a result of:

  1. The control of personality by the soul.
  2. The descent of energy from the soul, through the mental and emotional bodies, to the brain, produces the subjugation of the lower nature, and the awakening of brain consciousness to soul consciousness and a new alignment of the bodies.
  3. The right arrangement, according to the ray of personality type, of the energies that are motivating and dynamically arousing the centers into activity. This leads eventually to a direct alignment of the centers upon the spine, so that soul energy can pass up and down through the centers from the directing center in the head. Whilst this process of soul control is being perfected (and the time consumed is, from the angle of the limiting personality consciousness, of vast duration), the ray types of the vehicles steadily emerge, and the ray of the personality begins to control the life, and finally, the soul ray begins to dominate the personality ray and subdue its activity.

Eventually, the monadic ray takes control, absorbing into itself the rays of the personality and of the soul (at the third and fifth initiations) and thus duality is finally and definitely overcome, and «only the One Who Is remains.»

Alignment. Atma Unum
Alignment. Atma Unum

Development of alignment

There are two important stages in the life of man during the evolutionary process, according to the teachings of esoteric psychology:

First: The stage wherein there comes the first great fusion or «assertion of control» by the soul. At this time the Ajna center comes alive. This stage precedes a man’s passing on to the Probationary Path and is the stage which distinguishes the average man and woman at this time in the world.

Second: The stage wherein there comes a more definite spiritual awakening. At this time the centre at the base of the spine comes into rapport -through its circulating life- whit all the centers in the etheric body. This step precedes what is called initiation and signals the arousing into activity of the central focus of power at the heart of each of the chakras or etheric lotuses. In all the previous stages, it has been the petals of the various lotuses, chakras or vortices of force which have come into increased motion. At this later stage, the «hub» of the wheel, the «point in the centre» or the «heart of the lotus» comes into dynamic action, and the whole inner force-body becomes related in all its parts and begins to function harmoniously.

Evolution is a different process for each ray and also varies according to karmic conditions. In general terms, the first stage is being alive, this is a basic and simple stage in which the person functions as an elementary human being. The chakras are active in a slow and rhythmic way. Everyone has an inner light, even if it is dim, or weak. The second stage is when the first fusion with the soul occurs, and the chakras become more active, with their centers and petals in bright light. At the same time, several facts are given: a) Whether the life force is above or below the diaphragm. b) The nature of the particular ray of the personality. c) The state reached the evolutionary path. d) The type of physical body, which is conditioned by the person’s karma and the area of ​​service chosen in life. The third stage is a second fusion, in which the initiate expresses himself through all his energy centers, which have a dynamically alive central point of energy.

The Christ symbolically expresses these three stages with the experience of birth, the illumination of the transfiguration, and the liberation of the ascension.

In summary, the person goes through the stages of individuation, intellection, discipleship (which includes testing, purification, and discipleship), and initiation, when alignment is established. At each stage consciousness develops, and the personality becomes more defined, and the forces of the lower nature come under the control of the personality ray, and finally, under the control of the soul ray. At the end of the initiation, it is the highest energy that a human being can express in this solar system that takes control, that of the atma, the higher soul.

Alignment & Service

When the alignment has been made, the attunement has been effected, the unification has taken place more steadily and the anthahkarana is in a definite process of construction, the true nature of the service begins to emerge.

In the Hall of Wisdom, the person becomes aware of his power and capacity, and having committed himself to serve, he begins to serve furiously, creating this, that, and another channel for the expressions of the force that drives him. But he tears down and destroys as fast as he creates. Temporarily, she becomes a problem for others, because she sees no other vision than her own, and the aura of criticism that surrounds her and the energetic push of the assertive force within her causes the «little ones» to stumble, and there has to be constant repair work done (on your behalf) by older and more experienced disciples. She becomes, for the moment, a victim of her own aspiration to serve and the force that flows through her.

In some cases, this stage will fan the latent seeds of ambition, which in its proper place and time is a divine asset, but which must be rooted when the personality becomes the instrument of the soul. In other cases, the servant will have a broader and more loving vision, and looking away from his own achievements, will quietly work in unison with the groups of true servants, for the greater good of the whole.

A suggestion to servers is to frequently read these words:

«I play my part with stern resolve, with earnest aspiration; I look above, I help below; I dream not, nor I rest; I toil; I serve; I reap; I pray; I am the Cross; I am the Way; I tread upon the work I do, I mount upon my slain self; I kill desire, and I strive, forgetting all reward. I forego peace; I forfeit rest, and, in the stress of pain, I lose myself and find Myself and enter into peace. To all this I solemnly pledge myself, invoking my Higher Self.»

Conscious and unconscious; be the way

He put an end to the commands and rules of the law, and made the two peoples part of himself, creating a single new humanity. This is how peace was created

Ephesians 2:15

What must be done so that «the illuminated area» of immediate consciousness is of such a nature that the subconscious part of man can be «illuminated at will by the ray of the mind» and the mind itself can become a searching light?? Penetrate the superconsciousness and thus reveal the nature of the soul? In fact, it is the problem of expansions of consciousness. A broad field of psychological research addresses the use of the mind to construct the “path of light between the subconscious nature and the superconscious nature and yet focusing both as a bright point of light within the conscious nature.”

To esotericist, the problem of the at-one-ment is connected with the building of the antahkarana. This name is given to the line of living energy which links the varios human aspects and the soul, and it holds the clue to the occult truism that «before a man can tread the Path, he must become the path itself.» When the cleavages are all bridged, the various points of crisis have been surmounted and passed, and the required fusions have taken place, then unification or at-one-ment occurs. New fields of energy are entered, recognised and mastered, and new areas of consciousness open up before the advancing pilgrim.


Bailey, Alice. (1942). Esoteric Psychology. Volume II. A Treatise on the Seven Rays. Lucis. NY

Myss Caroline. Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing. (1997)

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