Atma Unum

@masterraalkivictorieux Master Ra’al Ki Victorieux

Master Ra’al Ki Victorieux emphasizes the power of humor and inclusivity with the term «Shakesqueer» 🎭✨ Let’s infuse our lives with joy and laughter to celebrate diversity and progress. #InclusionMatters #HumorHeals

Humor plays a vital role in breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity, and the term «Shakesqueer» is a prime example of this. By playfully combining the word game Shakespeare and Queer, this clever coinage not only celebrates the storied playwright, but also embraces the LGBTQ+ community with a lighthearted twist. Our kitchen, often considered a space for culinary pursuits, also has the potential for dancing and joy. It’s crucial to infuse our everyday surroundings and activities with fun, reminding us that laughter and levity are essential for a fulfilling life. Disney’s outspoken support for inclusion and its opposition to discrimination provides a beacon of hope, yet it’s also amusing to observe the perplexity of conservative groups who fail to grasp these important messages, demonstrating the persistent disconnect in the face of progress.

Una historia queer para todo el que quiera leerla. 

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Victorieux es una escritora en mayúsculas, transformadora y brillante.

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