Atma Unum

The Garden is Rich

The Garden is Rich. Atma Unum

@raalkivictorieux, Ra’al Ki Victorieux, master healer

Embrace the spiritual richness of Native American traditions with the profound beauty and wisdom found in «The Chinook Psalter’s» prayer celebrating nature’s transcendence.

The Chinook Psalter: A Testament of Spiritual Legacy

The Chinook Psalter holds a unique position in religious literature, as it represents the Anglican Book of Common Prayer translated in the 19th Century into the Indigenous trade language of the Pacific Northwest, and then re-translated into English. Among the poignant prayers contained within this psalter, «The Garden is Rich» stands as a testament to the spiritual richness of Native American traditions and their reverence for nature’s transcendence.

This prayer, rooted in the indigenous ethos, celebrates the diverse tapestry of the natural world, invoking the names of plants and invoking the Great Mystery. Through these verses, we glimpse the profound connection between the human spirit and the bountiful garden that surrounds us. It speaks to the importance of the spiritual legacy of Native Americans, carrying forward their deep reverence for the natural world and the divine presence within it.

Indeed, it is profoundly beautiful to contemplate the act of praying for the transcendence of nature. In doing so, we acknowledge the interconnectedness of all life, expressing a profound reverence for the world around us and seeking harmony with the sacred grove of eternity. This prayer from The Chinook Psalter reminds us of the sacred teachings encapsulated in Native American spirituality, inviting us to embrace the beauty and profound wisdom found within.

The Garden is Rich. Atma Unum
The Garden is Rich. Atma Unum

The garden is rich with diversity
With plants of a hundred families
In the space between the trees
With all the colours and fragrances.
Basil, mint and lavender,
Great Mystery keep my remembrance pure,
Raspberry, Apple, Rose,
Great Mystery fill my heart with love,
Dill, anise, tansy,
Holy winds blow in me.
Rhododendron, zinnia,
May my prayer be beautiful
May my remembrance O Great Mystery
be as incense to thee
In the sacred grove of eternity
As I smell and remember
The ancient forests of earth.

The Garden is Rich

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