Atma Unum

Fun Wednesday 4; Literature Conflict

Fun Wednesday 4. Conflict in Literature. Atma Unum

@1tm122n22m, Atma Unum

Humor and conflict intertwine in literature, offering a multi-dimensional experience. Explore classical, modern, and postmodern conflicts. #Literature #AtmaUnum

Humor and conflict are two essential elements in literature that contribute to the depth and complexity of storytelling. While conflict drives the narrative by creating tension and propelling the characters forward, humor provides a refreshing and relatable aspect to the storyline, allowing readers to connect with the characters in a unique way. The interplay between these two elements can range from lighthearted situational comedy to more profound and thought-provoking satire, inviting readers to explore the different facets of human experience. In this context, exploring the various types of conflict in literature, from classical to postmodern, offers a rich tapestry of themes and emotions that are often intertwined with humor, creating a captivating and multi-dimensional literary experience.

Conflict in Literature


  • Man vs. Nature
  • Man vs. Man
  • Man vs. God


  • Man vs. Society
  • Man vs. Self
  • Man vs. No God


  • Man vs. Technology
  • Man vs. Reality
  • Man vs. Author

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